
Team FatBird Operation Falcon
12 weeks FlightZONESTM Marathon Training Program

This program is specifically designed with the Beginner/Intermediate runner in mind.  The runner who is undertaking this 10km/21km/42km Marathon training program should already have completed a few races of lesser distances.  The Runner should be able to commit time and effort to train 3-5 sessions per week.

Team FatBird's 12-weeks Training Program consists of the following workouts:

Easy Run @ BaseBuild ZONE: the bulk of your training should be in this “Easy Run” mode. It builds and develops your aerobic fitness. Easy Runs are totally comfortable and controlled - you should be able to converse comfortably with your training partner(s). The aim is to get the mileage in and get the body used to running long distances. Try to resist the urge to go faster, even though you might feel like doing so.

Tempo Run @ TempoBird ZONE They are designed to increase the Runner’s stamina and improve your running tempo or rhythm! It is usually done at a pace 30s slower than your 10km pace, for distances of 5km-8km progressively.

It can sometimes vary in the form of Fartleks, consisting of “Pickups” in the middle of your run at your 10km Pace lasting 15-30mins.  As a gauge you should be breathing harder, but not to the point where you are breathless. Run normally until you recover before beginning the next pickup.
PowerFlight Hills @ TempoBird ZONE : Hills are speedwork in disguise.  Hill running strengthens and builds up the running muscles of the calves, quads, hamstrings, glutes.  Hills training comprise of Group Hills, Hill Repeats and Hill Intervals.

Recovery Run @ FatTrim ZONE : A workout targeted at increasing blood flow throughout the muscles to improve their recovery. Effort should be very Easy (Especially the day after a Endurance session or Tempo Workout).

Race Pace ( Pace) @ BaseBuild ZONE: Your target race pace timing

Team FatBird’s 12-weeks FlightZones Training Program requires the runner to follow the recommended Weekly Workout Routine:
- 1-2 Easy Run @ FatTrim ZONE or BaseBuild ZONE (7-10km)
- 1-2 Tempo Run @ TempoBird ZONE (5-10km)
- 2 Weekend Long Slow Distance Runs @ BaseBuild ZONE
- 2 days Rest / Core + Strength Training - Conditioning

Runner's Total Weekly Mileage should not overly exceed the Recommended Mileage

Team FatBird's FlightZONESTM Marathon Training Programme
Refer to Team FatBird FlightZONESTM Optimal Benefits Chart for the purpose and usefulness for the various workouts under each targeted HRM training zone.

Max Heart Rate - for a start, Team FatBird will use the American sports scientists's  modified the basic formula to allow for gender: 214-(0.8 x age) for men, and 209-(0.9 x age) for women. However, this still gives a generalized result.  For those who want to more precise HR max reading, you will need to perform the specific tests in a sport performance lab.

In all workouts you should not hesitate to cut the distance or intensity should you not be feeling well.

Should you miss a training you should also not try to make it up by doing it the next day. One missed training won't cause any negative consequence to your training

Advisory :
 You are responsible for yourself and your property for all Team FatBird run sessions.  Team FatBird and its members shall not assume responsibility or liability for any loss of property, injury, damage, accidents, death during the runs.