Sunday, January 12, 2014
Weekend #5: A return to the MR Trails
This morning we return to the MR trails for a second session within 5 weeks for that agility and strength endurance workout. Once again, we were blessed with very cool weather which lasted the whole duration of the 180min routine.
The Falcons were a lot more prepared for the terrain challenge this round, with most of the runners sticking to steady paces and running within their respective pace groups. The Northern Trail section as usual provided a energy-sapping prelude and ended with an exhaustive glycogen-depletion and wall-hitting return.
A few trainees succumbed to energy loss through excessive glycogen loss and were seen struggling in the final 3km of the Northern Trails. Those who were prepared did a lot better by being able to overcome their mental and physical constraints to tackle one of the tougher route challenges of the Falcon program.
Some groups had to have extra servings of aircond road when we discovered that the mileage was a tad short, but still it was well covered by the strong Falcons without any hint of discouragement - in fact, the rolling slopes at Peirce Reservoir helped boost their determination to complete the full distances prescribed.
Partly due to their familiarity with the route, and in part due to the enhanced base built up, all Falcons returned on Northern Trail very strongly, tackling the rolling trail route with more experience and patience, emerging for a very satisfying finish at the end.
Base build will complete by Week #6 before we move on to pace training - it would be interesting to see how our trainees will translate their strength and speed endurance into sustainable race paces for that marathon target in March.
The Falcons Nailed The Trials & Slopes, yet again!
Facebook photos from Falcon MK